It all sucks. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around all of this. I can’t remember a time when things were like they are right now. Yesterday, I saw the reality while out and right now, I’m staying in my bubble until I need to go to work. I’m scared to see what the stores are like when I pass them.

Retail is Scary

Working in retail is scary too. Not only because we deal with people and never know, but because if we have to close, so many will not have work. They will not have pay and won’t be able to provide for their families. That’s a scary thought.


Seeing what the bigger companies are doing for their customers, like not disconnecting, holding off on past dues, increasing speeds for better internet access so many can work from home or do online classes. These things will help. But for how long?

Current Crazy Sucks

The public was told in nearby states that gatherings of 250 people or more should be canceled. But did you see how many people were in the stores and continue to go out? Insane!

I heard a kid cough and looked to see what direction it came from so I could walk the other way. A lady sneezed 2 aisles over. I yelled, “bless you” to see where she actually was and then bee-lined for the checkout lines.

Oddly enough, I saw every checkout line opened at Winco yesterday. I didn’t even see that during any holidays ever. It all sucks.

What Now?

What now?

So how do we come together? How do we defeat this and move on? After this is all said and done, I’m sure people will be even more afraid of their neighbors because those same people took everything off the shelves and left nothing for their family. Ugh!

Even for myself, we bought a few things that I may be allergic to, because it was all that was left. My 2 thoughts were, at least my family can eat, and I have plenty of allergy meds if needed. It sucks. That’s a horrible way to feel.
I’m worried about loved ones and friends who have comprised health issues already and I’m sure they have had to go out and try to find the basic needs. I wish I had everything in this world to help others.

It all Sucks and We Need to be Strong

This is just to vent it out. Share your feelings. Let others know they aren’t alone. We need to be strong together as a whole and do the best we can to slow this down and move it out.
Be kind.
Be caring.
Be safe.
Take precautions.

Stay Blessed.

Smile Always.