We are in the middle of one of the most widely televised pandemics of the world with the spread of a coronavirus known as COVID-19. As a result, people are panicking and the shelves are clearing and stocks are plummeting. Consequently, schools are closing, the NY Governor announced the prisons are producing 100,000 gallons of sanitizer a week, and President Trump has issued a travel ban from Europe with the exception of UK for now. (If it doesn’t change, people e will just hop flights from England instead). For these reasons, we must be suitably educated.

What Is COVID-19?

COVID-19, coronavirus, CDC

COVID-19 is disease resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 virus ( severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) according to the World Health Organization. Is a new strain of the coronavirus.  It should be noted that the coronavirus has been around a long time. Remember SARS in the early 2000s? COVID-19 It first showed up in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. And, it spreads just like other colds and flu through the following ways:

  • respiratory droplets produced by coughing and sneezing and,
  • close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
  • touching an object or surface with the virus on it

Main Symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Fever
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath

Protect Yourself from COVID-19:

  • For the love of all humans, WASH YOUR HANDS! (If you can’t find hand soap amidst the panic, perhaps try dish soap, body wash, shampoo, laundry detergent, etc.  We use these things daily to keep things …clean.) 
    • Use Hand Sanitizer if you don’t have some suitable soap and water.  In case you don’t have any, you can make it with isopropyl alcohol and aloe. Also, if that fails, drink some vodka with your hands. 
  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue AND dispose of in a trash can! Don’t throw it on the ground for it to go drifting through the air to hit someone in the face. (Don’t ask.)
  • Avoid close contact with people and hold yourself at a distance.
    • Stick to fist & elbow bumps if you must make physical contact to show camaraderie.
  • Unless you are actually sick, forget the masks because they only lead to you touching your face more trying to readjust them.  
    • Similarly, I find wearing heavy makeup works well preventing the touching of my face.
  • Stay home if your sick! You’ll undoubtedly be spreading your nasty germs, but, I get it, because you have to pay the bills, its hard. Alternatively, try to brainstorm how you can get your job done at home or bring in extra income. For Instance:
    • Still, if you feel you must be seen in person, try a walk in/urgent Care instead of the ER to minimize the amount of exposure.
    • Start selling stuff online. The USPS has scheduled pickup service for Priority Mail.
  • Finally, keep your stuff disinfected and clean those phones we can’t put down, your purses, your doorknobs, faucets, and toilet bowl handles!


More importantly, use common sense and don’t panic. With this in mind, educate yourself in a suitable manner. Visit the CDC’s Website and the World Health Organization Website to separate fact from fiction and for the latest information and to stay up to date with facts on the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic.