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The Art Of Coupon Hunting: Where to Find...

person putting coin in a piggy bank

In today’s fast-paced world, saving money is essential and this is why we are brining you the art of coupon hunting. One effective way to stretch your budget is by using coupons. But how do extreme couponers find these elusive money-savers? Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the secrets of locating and acquiring […]

Anxiety Buster: Unleashing the Power for...

man falling carton boxes with negative words

Anxiety can be a pesky little gremlin that loves to play havoc with our minds, but fear not! In this blog, we’re diving headfirst into the realm of anxiety relief and exploring powerful techniques to calm our racing thoughts. Let’s equip ourselves with the ultimate anxiety-busting tools, and of course, have a laugh or two […]

10 Gentle Modified Workouts: Tailored Fi...

purple all cast dumbbells on marble surface

Welcome, fellow fitness enthusiasts and couch-loving champions! Today, we’re embarking on a hilarious journey to discover the wonders of gentle modified workouts – a fitness haven custom-made for every body type! If you’ve ever felt like a newborn giraffe attempting to salsa dance while exercising, fear not; you’re not alone! Whether you’re a fitness newbie, […]

5 Best Smartphone Selling Platforms

Have you downsized your electronics and left yourself with only a smartphone and a printer? Is your home over crowded with things, knick knacks or trinkets?  How about your closets? Are they over stuffed resulting in everything being wrinkled when you take something out you just ironed? I’m also guessing your basement and garage have […]

5 Ways to Shift Into Optimistic Thoughts

5 Ways to Shift Into Optimistic Thoughts

During A Global Medical Crisis Want to know 5 Ways to Shift Into Optimistic Thoughts? You should because, according to an article posted by Utpal M. Dholakia, Ph.D. on Psychology Today, choosing an optimistic take on life, is beneficial to your overall health. Here, I list some steps you can take to turn that down […]

It All Sucks

blue and grey open store sign

It all sucks. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around all of this. I can’t remember a time when things were like they are right now. Yesterday, I saw the reality while out and right now, I’m staying in my bubble until I need to go to work. I’m scared to see what the […]

COVID-19, A Suitable Synopsis

2019 Coronavirus COVID19 rendeering

We are in the middle of one of the most widely televised pandemics of the world with the spread of a coronavirus known as COVID-19. As a result, people are panicking and the shelves are clearing and stocks are plummeting. Consequently, schools are closing, the NY Governor announced the prisons are producing 100,000 gallons of […]