Welcome to Suitable Shenanigans! I’m Allie, a 44 year old woman, finding my place to share my life’s suitable shenanigans. (This makes me a Piscean.) I was born and raised in the suburbs of Suffolk County, New York by my awesome parents. They struggled to survive and raised me best as they could.

Currently, I am divorced two times over. I have two beautiful kids who are currently 18 (Heavens help me, she is operating cars now) and 9 (going on 45 with his ways of the world).

I’ve started this journey because life left me an adult orphan with the – slightly – sudden passing of my mom in the Summer of 2019. Yup that’s right, I am an orphan by definition. With this new distinctive title to add to all of my others (including daughter, friend, ex-wife, mom, deal seeker, makeup enthusiast, affiliate, and bookkeeper), I wanted a place to share my life and the shenanigans that go along with it.  Maybe it’ll hold me accountable or maybe it will give others ideas of inspiration just like mom and dad did. At the very least, hopefully, some will find it amusing and bring some enjoyment.