During A Global Medical Crisis

Choose to be optimistic feels better alai Lama quote Shift Into Optimistic Thoughts

Want to know 5 Ways to Shift Into Optimistic Thoughts? You should because, according to an article posted by Utpal M. Dholakia, Ph.D. on Psychology Today, choosing an optimistic take on life, is beneficial to your overall health. Here, I list some steps you can take to turn that down and out attitude and try to turn it around positively into optimistic thoughts with the current global crisis that is COVID-19.

  1. Instead of dwelling on being stuck at home, think about getting to be in your home safe.   Look around your home and feel the comfort of it. Relish in the money saved from transportation and travel.
  2. Rather than thinking that you’ll get sick, think about how social distancing yourself and simply washing your hands more will greatly decrease your chances of becoming ill.
  3. If you’re thinking you will run out of supplies, concentrate on how you have prepared for this and the supplies you already have.  Make a plan to use your current supplies wisely.
  4. Instead of panicking because everything is closing around you, think about what is staying open. Your hospitals and pharmacies are staying open to medically care for you.  Your grocery stores are open to make sure you can acquire your necessities.
  5. Instead of thinking about all the unpredictability and uncertainty, concentrate on what YOU CAN control.  You can control your actions. Call loved ones. Work on your home by reorganization and de-cluttering.   Pray. Write. You can join virtual groups via internet. Read. You can choose to learn something new. You can change the channel.

Certainty in Optimism

Choosing to change your thought process may not be easy, but trying to see the positives in any situation, is usually always beneficial. Don’t be a Negative Nancy, be an optimistic YOU. Drop some comments below with your ways of making the positive thought shift.