Have you downsized your electronics and left yourself with only a smartphone and a printer? Is your home over crowded with things, knick knacks or trinkets?  How about your closets? Are they over stuffed resulting in everything being wrinkled when you take something out you just ironed? I’m also guessing your basement and garage have a ton of stuff you haven’t looked at in years. If you can relate, listen up!  I’m going to give you the 5 best smartphone based selling platforms to clear your clutter and fill your pockets.

  1. Mercari
  2. Poshmark
  3. Ebay
  4. Amazon
  5. OfferUp


Mercari is an App based platform and has limited accessibility online and is by far the best in my humble opinion for its ease and simplicity.  It takes a flat 10% fee of your listing price for the use of their platform. You can offer free shipping or have your buyer pay.  Direct deposit can be set up right into your bank account or leave it sitting in Mercari if you’re a buyer there too. I personally transfer as soon as I hit the $10 minimum because Mercari is not a bank and not FDIC insured.  Reduced priced shipping labels are available through them too.


Poshmark is a platform that is geared around fashion but not limited to it and is managbel fully both through APP and Web.  It charges a flat fee of $2.95 for sales up to $15.00 and then 20% on sales over. Poshmark charges the buyer a flat shipping rate (up to 5 lbs) providing the seller with a priority mailing label. (Anything over, and you’ll be charged for the overload.) Sellers can also have funds directly deposited into a bank account with no minimum to cash out.   


Ebay is both App and web based too.  It gives you 50 free listings each month, but has fees that vary pending your listing placement. In addition to ebay final final value fees, you have Paypal’s cut of 2.9% + $0.30 of the total selling price including the sales tax making this platform fee heavy. The upside though is you can make your listings worldwide available.  You can ship through Ebay’s GSP (Global Shipping Program) to make it really easy to ship internationally or ship it on your own. I do recommend going into the site via a browser in desktop view on your smartphone to access some more advanced features. Amazon (Seller Central) Platform


Yes, you read that right, you can sell on Amazon!  When you sign up with them as a seller, you’ll find that you can ship on your own as a 3rd party seller, or send your products to be FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) giving your customers that Prime shipping.  If you opt for the latter, there are considerably more fees associated. Also, Amazon restricts new sellers to what they can and cannot sell. Some things are gated to prevent fraud. Do more research prior to starting.


OfferUp was once a local saw meet typs App, but has grown into eCommerce. This app now offers shipping ability making your once limited market exponentially larger. As another App that offers in app payment options, it’s no longer limited to the old fashioned meeting swap. 

All in All

5 Best Smartphone Selling Platforms

There you have it ladies and gents, my top 5 favorite smartphone selling platforms.  I’ve used each of them. Cross posted on all and have made sales on all. If you cross-post (same item on multiple platforms) make it a habit to de-list/deactivate the item on the others immediately after a sale. 
All have their pros and cons.  I suggest you try each out. Occasionally use desktop version on smartphones to go deeper into settings for the web based platforms, but all in all, they are easy to use for those that that ditched the traditional computers long ago.